Venue: MOD Lyneham Community Centre|Building 305|MOD Lyneham|Calne Road|Chippenham|Wiltshire|SN15 4XX
Family and Community Learning courses are funded by the Education and Skills Funding Agency. Courses are no cost to learners if they are 19 years old before 31st August, have a Wiltshire postcode, and have been a resident in UK/EU for 3+years (or have certain immigration status) and if you can tick any of these criteria:
Receiving Universal Credit.
Receiving Employment Support Allowance (ESA).
Receiving Job Seekers Allowance (JSA).
Receiving another benefit (other than child benefit) e.g. housing benefit, income support, pension credit, PIP, DLA.
Have school-aged child / children who qualify for Free School Meals.
Currently unemployed and would like to work in the future.
Have refugee status.
Foster Carer
Care Leaver
Military Family
Ex-Armed Forces Personnel
Have a Learning Difficulty or Disability.
If you are unsure if you are eligible, we are always happy to talk things through.
Click here to enrol:
Or to contact us call 01225 770478 or email