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  • To support learners to identify why it is important to budget. 
  • To provide opportunities for learners to use numeracy skills and techniques for adding and subtracting 2 / 3-digit members to create a budget which allows for regular bills and occasional spending (such as special events). 
  • To enable learners to consider what is essential and non-essential spending, and to differentiate between wants and needs. 

Venue: Hall – at Bulford Community Hub, The Beeches, The Pennings, Bulford, SP4 9BT

Entry Requirements: 

Family and Community Learning courses are funded by the Education and Skills Funding Agency. Courses are no cost to learners if they are 19 years old before 31st August have a Wiltshire postcode, and have been a resident in UK/EU for 3+years (or have certain immigration status) and if you can tick any of these criteria:

Receiving Universal Credit.

Receiving Employment Support Allowance (ESA).

​Receiving Job Seekers Allowance (JSA).

​​Receiving another benefit (other than child benefit) e.g. housing benefit, income support, pension credit, PIP, DLA.

Have school-aged child / children who qualify for Free School Meals.

Currently unemployed and would like to work in the future.

​​Have refugee status.

​​Foster Carer

​​Care Leaver


​​Military Family

​​Ex-Armed Forces Personnel

​​Have a Learning Difficulty or Disability.

Click here to enrol: https://workwiltshire.co.uk/enrolment/

Or to contact us call 01225 770478 or email familyandcommunitylearning@wiltshire.gov.uk


Multiply is here to support adults (aged 19+) improve their skills and confidence in numeracy.  Adults can self declare they need support if they do not have GCSE maths at grade 4 (previously known as a C grade) or if they do have Grade C but feel they are not working at that level anymore.

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