Support available in Wiltshire for those with barriers to work
Wiltshire Local Offer
The Wiltshire Local Offer describes the range of services and support for children and young people, aged 0-25, with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) and includes;
- Information in relation to education, social care and health provision for children and young people (aged 0-25 years) with SEND
- Arrangements of identifying and assessing children including how to request an assessment
- Arrangements to travel to and from schools/Early Years providers
- Support to help children and young people move between phases of education and to prepare for adulthood
- Where to go for sources of information, advice and support, forums for parents/carers, childcare and leisure activities
- Arrangements for making complaints, right to appeal
The Wiltshire Parent Carer Council have a helpline and provide advice and information about agencies and services in Wiltshire for parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disability. Call the WPCC Helpline on 01225 764647, available 10.00am – 5.00pm Monday – Friday.
Greatwood is an organisation that uses ex-racehorses to educate disadvantaged children and young adults with special educational needs (SEN). Greatwood is a Wiltshire Council accredited alternative provider of education.
Rainscombe Hill Farm, Clench Common, Marlborough, Wiltshire, SN8 4DT
Tel: 01672 514535
Carer Support Wiltshire
Carer Support Wiltshire (CSW) help carers to access support, services, education and training, and breaks from their caring role with days out and our popular pampering sessions. CSW ensures carers have a voice in policy making and planning for services, and works with health and social care professionals and employers to develop best practice.
Their dedicated and experienced team of support workers and volunteers provide one-to-one support, befriending and counselling services. Regular Carer Cafes and Carer Support Groups are held throughout Wiltshire and offer help, advice and peer support. CSW’s education and training programme helps to equip carers for their caring role as well as providing an opportunity to learn new skills. All of their course are free to carers.
Carer Support Wiltshire, Independent Living Centre, St George’s Road, Semington, nr. Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 6JQ
Tel: 08001 814118
Pluss providers Work Choice throughout Wiltshire as a subcontractor to Working Links. Work Choice is designed to support jobseekers with disabilities and long term health conditions who face significant barriers when it comes to looking and keeping work. It helps people who wish to work at least 16 hours a week.
In a flexible programme that is individually tailored to each individual needs. It will help individuals to reach their full potential so they can move into independent, unsupported employment.
Pluss has offices in Swindon and Salisbury
Tel: 07407 733804
Richmond Fellowship
Richmond Fellowship provides a range of supported housing, employment and community based services for people with mental health problems across Wiltshire.
They provide an employment advice and guidance service for people seeking work, training or voluntary roles.
Green Lane, Marshall Road, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 5ER
Tel: 01380 737673