Care Leavers Support

Care Leavers Support

The Leaving Care Service works with young people in local authority care to help them to prepare for independent living from the age of 16 up to the age of 25, for more information go to the website.

The Virtual School is a service provided by Wiltshire Council and continues to support looked-after children and care leavers within education through to the age of 25.

This service provides accommodation across Wiltshire for Young People leaving care, providing a safe and supportive environment where young people can make life changes, develop responsibilities and move towards independent living.

There is support available at the Jobcentre if you are care experienced, so please make your work coach aware of your personal circumstances –  Leaving foster or local authority care

A website (from Become) setting out UK universities’ pastoral and financial provision for care leavers, as well as inspirational stories from care-experienced students who have successfully made the transition from care to higher education.

Expert careers information and tools for 11-19 year olds, all in one place with information for young people in care and care leavers.

Flyer from the Learning & Work Institute with information for care leavers on apprenticeships including the £1000 bursary that is available.


A charity that works with universities to support young people in or leaving care with moving into and through further and higher education.

National Network for the Education of Care Leavers | Home (

The Covenant is a promise made by private, public or voluntary organisations to provide support for care leavers aged 16-25 to help them to live independently. You can see all the offers made on their website or they can be found on the official Care Leaver Covenant App. Connects is also a new tool for care leavers to stay informed with all that the Covenant has to offer as well as information about support you may be able to access.

Support and information from the children’s commissioner office on your right’s if you are in care, leaving care, living away from home or working with social services including a confidential advice and information service about your situation.

The charity for children in care and young care leavers, offer a free advice line to anyone in care or care leavers and the website has lots of useful information and resources.

The Care Leavers Association is a national user led charity aimed at improving the lives of care leavers of all ages. They offer advice and support on Leaving Care rights and entitlements, as well as signposting to services that can offer assistance through the Young Person’s Project.

They have a useful guide on the support you can receive from your Local Authority to help you access Further and Higher Education with information about your Rights and Entitlements. Support while accessing Further and Higher Education – The Care Leavers Association

m Voice offers support and information for children and young people in care, on the edge of care and care leavers.

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