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What is this course about? 

The purpose of this course is to develop confidence levels and understanding of time. You will learn how to tell the time in different formats and calculate how much time is needed to complete plans and personal tasks. You will develop confidence in how to organise your time and make the most of your day.  You will look at what to do if there is a problem and how those problems can be solved. 

Course format:     

This course will be delivered face to face. This will be done in a small group, with support where you’ll learn together and take part in practical group activities, all in a relaxed and friendly environment.    

Who will benefit from attending?     

This course is for adults who wish to improve their independence and find out how to take control of making the best of their environment in order to work towards developing their skills in other ways such as employment, volunteering or community engagement.  

What will I learn?     

  • Recognise numbers and time on a 12 hour clock. 
  • Recognise numbers and time on a 24 hour clock. 
  • Calculate timing necessary to complete a task at home. 
  • Determine which bus to catch to attend an appointment and timings. 
  • Understand which tasks are completed at certain times of the day. 
  • State how many routine tasks are completed each day. 
  • Plan a day trip using public transport timetables. 

 How long is the course?     

This is run as 2-hour sessions over 5 weeks, with some activities to do at home to help you practise your skills.     

 Will I be assessed?     

You will be required to complete some tasks using paperwork during this course. You will also be asked to take part in Q&A sessions. Support will be provided if you need it. This will be recorded by your tutor and will support your learning journey and successes.     

Click here to enrol: https://workwiltshire.co.uk/enrolment/

Or to contact us call 01225 770478 or email familyandcommunitylearning@wiltshire.gov.uk


Venue: Medley Centre, County Hall, Trowbridge

Entry Requirements:

Family and Community Learning courses are funded by the Education and Skills Funding Agency. Courses are no cost to learners if they are aged 19+, have a Wiltshire postcode, and have been a resident in UK/EU for 3+years (or have certain immigration status) and if you can tick any of these criteria:

  • have less than 5 GCSEs grades A-C / 9-4
  • in receipt of benefits (other than child benefit)
  • are a military family
  • are a family with children who need additional support
  • are unemployed and looking for work.

If you are unsure if you are eligible, we are always happy to talk things through.

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