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This course has been designed to help learners, whose mother tongue is not English, to settle into life in the UK. Learners will be taught a variety of topics in accordance with their individual learning journeys. The aim is to teach learners how to communicate effectively in English covering all four elements (SLC, Reading and writing). The activities embedded in this course give learners the opportunity to practise pair-work, group-work, communication skills and interpersonal skills whilst always having the end goal of working towards employment, volunteering or further learning.

Venue: St Andrews Hall, Avon Road, Tidworth, SP9 7RR

Number of sessions: 10

Entry Requirements:

Family and Community Learning courses are funded by the Education and Skills Funding Agency. Courses are no cost to learners if they are aged 19+, have a Wiltshire postcode, and have been a resident in UK/EU for 3+years (or have certain immigration status) and if you can tick any of these criteria:

  • have less than 5 GCSEs grades A-C / 9-4
  • in receipt of benefits (other than child benefit)
  • are a military family
  • are a family with children who need additional support
  • are unemployed and looking for work.

If you are unsure if you are eligible, we are always happy to talk things through.

Click here to enrol: https://workwiltshire.co.uk/enrolment/

Or to contact us call 01225 770478 or email familyandcommunitylearning@wiltshire.gov.uk


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