Information for employers

Information for employers

What are Skills Bootcamps? How can my company get involved?

Skills Bootcamps are a chance for you to train your current staff to allow them to up skill and bring new skills into your business.

Our current sector focus is on; 

  • Logistics – Leadership and Management
  • Leadership and Management
  • Digital Core – Cyber
  • Green – Sustainability and Carbon Management
  • Early Years

Or you can provide an opportunity for a learner outside of your workforce to have an interview with you – as long as you have a real vacancy available!

Large employers – 70% cost covered you pay 30%

Small and medium employers (<250) 90% cost covered you pay 10%

Individual prices for each Skills Bootcamps will be provided by the learning provider.

Please take a look at our video, which explains more about Skills Bootcamps for Employers:

Unlocking Potential An Overview of Skills Bootcamps for Employers – YouTube

Contact our Employer Engagement team – 

The benefit to your business is two fold – 

  1. Your employees can receive training but you only pay a small fee (30% for large employers or 10% for SME’s.) 
  2. You can offer a learner who has completed a skills bootcamps a role in your business. Fill vacancies with learners who have just finished training.  

Click below to download flyer.


Skills Bootcamps – Employers Register Interest

Contact Name(Required)
Sectors we would be interested in
Would you offer a Skills Bootcamps learner an interview?


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