Grow your business with apprenticeships!

Grow your business with apprenticeships!

Employers across Wiltshire are being asked to embed apprenticeships across their business with the support of the Wiltshire Education, Employment and Skills Action Group (EESAG), a collective from public, private, and charitable organisations operating in Wiltshire.

Apprenticeships deliver knowledge and skills to new and existing staff, at any age and stage in their career; they aid productivity, drive innovation, and instil loyalty.

The majority of Wiltshire businesses have less than 250 staff, and the EESAG acknowledge that many employers do not have a dedicated human resources or training function, leaving many struggling to understanding the processes and funding requirements.

The EESAG have pooled their resources to provide employers with a free of charge information, advice, and guidance service, in addition to offering support to fill existing apprenticeship vacancies.

Apprenticeships have, and will continue to play a pivotal role in the economic recovery post pandemic as highlighted by the recent All Party Parliamentary Group on Apprenticeships 2020-2021 Report (21 July 2021)

Over the past 12 months we have explored the potential apprenticeships have to support the economic recovery from Covid-19 and support those back into meaningful employment and training. Apprenticeships are a fantastic way to upskill, diversify and reskill the workforce, ensuring businesses continue to grow as they give essential capabilities to employees.”

We know it’s been a challenging time and with this in mind the EESAG are keeping their messaging simple, together we can support you to create apprenticeship opportunities, recruit new and diverse talent to your business, and importantly support you to grow your business and those you employ through investing in apprenticeships.

EESAG members will be reaching out to their employer networks over the summer, and sharing apprenticeship messages on social media. Employers, at any stage of their apprenticeship journey can get involved and show their support for apprenticeships by emailing

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