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"Emily has been working in the café for a while. She has been cleaning tables and replenishing stock. However, since starting the numeracy project, she has developed an understanding of time and dates. She is able to identify the current date and compare it to the “use by date” on food items. Emily is also able to do stock rotation independently, and can identify which foods can no longer be used. This also helps her in supported living when she has to make her own meals. Emily is now able to tell the time, so knows how long she has to complete tasks and it better at organising her day. Emily has also improved her understanding of money. She is able to work out what is good value for money and what isn’t. She is also starting to understand the importance of money and this makes her less vulnerable financially."
"We really enjoyed delivering the content and felt that it had a really good impact, hence why we are going to continue it this term and turn it into a coffee morning."
School Effectiveness
"Ed was fantastic at breaking down the training and making it understandable. Will really help me in the future at work and at home."
Skills Ladder Provision
"We should all build our confidence with maths because we really do use it every day – which means it’s really valuable, but also that we’re probably more capable than we think already.
For me it made me feel a lot more confident in myself, knowing that I can’t be that bad at maths because I use it to look at figures for work.
I was talking to a colleague who’s doing maths with her daughter, so it’s also something we should be aware of and passing on to friends, family and colleagues. The “If I can do it, you can do it” mentality!"