Upcoming courses
Boost your Opportunities
This five session course will support you to realise your potential. You will explore your skills and qualities, think about what you have to offer and how these skills might be transferrable to different jobs. You will also think about ways to develop your resilience and build your confidence to try new things.
Boost your opportunities Part 2
This five session course will focus on application forms, CVs, cover letters, interview skills as well as developing your English skills. We will also look at other courses that focus on working in specific sectors of your interests to progress you into your chosen area.
Working in Early Years
Find your ideal job working in an Early Years setting with the support of this course that will introduce you
to the variety and job satisfaction of working with children under five. This eight-session course is held
online. On this course you will learn about the roles and responsibilities in early years settings, developing
communication skills, the importance of indoor and outdoor play, statutory duties and safeguarding,
understanding SEND
Customer services
Make the difference for your customers by providing amazing customer service and learn more about
working in this important role. This four-session course is held online.
On this course you will learn how about the importance of good customer service, how to handle
complaints effectively, and how to communicate well.
Food safety
Gain essential knowledge and skills about food safety to work in catering or hospitality. This four-session
course is held online.
On this course you will learn the principles of safe handling and storage of food, and you will be able to
identify safe practices in relation to cross-contamination of allergens.