Learning With Us

Please click the options below to find out more about learning with us and the support that we can offer:

Family and Community Learning

learner completing wellbeing art activity

Growing a lifelong love of learning with communities in Wiltshire.

The Family and Community Learning team are here to help you with:

  • your learning
  • your skills development
  • your next steps

If you need help or support while learning with us you can speak to:

On successful completion of your course, you will be sent an email with your certificate of achievement. This certificate is usually sent out the month after you complete the course. 

Family and Community-learning Logo

Being a learner

To be a learner with us, we need you to:

  • Complete an enrolment form.
  • Show us your ID at your Welcome Meeting or course.
  • Attend an online Welcome Meeting if you have enrolled on an online course.
  • Complete an initial assessment or survey when your tutor asks you to do this.  This helps your tutor to tailor the course to you.
  • Let your tutor know about any help you need to learn.
  • Let your tutor know if you cannot come to any of the sessions of your course.
  • Be involved in your course.  This could include: listening, asking questions, joining in discussions, practising your skills, trying something new, completing learning activities at home.
  • Think about what you have learnt, and how you will use this learning.  Your tutor will give you feedback to help you to see your progress and next steps.  Your tutor may ask you to write about your learning in your Learner Journey or to tell or show them what you have learnt.
  • If you are learning online, please try to use your camera, microphone and chat box features – please talk to us if you need help with this.


Accessing your online course:

You will receive an email from itslearning with your username and password.  You use this information to log in to our Online Learning Platform itslearning.

Welcome Meeting:

This is a short, 30-minute online meeting on Teams.  The Welcome Meeting will give you information about learning with us, and will demonstrate how to use itslearning.  Welcome Meetings are usually group sessions.  Your tutor will email you a link to join this meeting.

Please have a form of ID ready to show the tutor at the Welcome Meeting.

Please log on five-minutes before the Welcome Meeting starts.

Joining your course online:

Log in to itslearning by clicking this link and entering your username and password: https://wiltshirecouncil.itslearning.com/? 

If you need any help logging in, please call us on 01225 770478.  There is also a help guide here: Logging in to itslearning : itslearning Help Center

When you have logged in, you will see a page showing the course/s that you have enrolled on.  Course cards homepage in itslearning : itslearning Help Center 

Selecting a course will allow you to view resources, activities, tasks, as well as Teams meetings that you need to join for your taught sessions Course overview for students using itslearning : itslearning Help Center  

On the right hand side of the page you will see an initial survey for your course.  Click on this and answer the questions to help your tutor to tailor the course to you.

Learner Journey

Your Learner Journey is accessed using the menu on the top right.  Click on your name for the drop down list.  You will see Individual Learning Plan – click on this to find your Learner Journey.  Add to this throughout your course by typing into the boxes. individual learning plan student view : itslearning Help Center

itslearning logo

Keeping you safe


If you are feeling sad, upset, hurt, scared or worried, you can talk to any member of staff or one of the Safeguarding Team:

  • Rowena Prentice
  • Laura Trowbridge
  • Lucinda Murray
  • Helen Edwards-Matheou

Contact us on 01225 770478.


Prevent is the Government Strategy designed to keep us safe from terrorism and from being drawn into extremism.

More information is available via this link, and also in the video below: PREVENT – Safeguarding – Wiltshire Council

British Values

We follow British Values principles in all that we do.  The government asks all educational providers to do this.  The video below explains more about British Values.  The British Values are:

  • Democracy – making decisions together and having your say.
  • Rule of law – following rules to keep order and to keep everyone safe.
  • Individual liberty – freedom to make your own choices and have your own thoughts and ideas.
  • Mutual respect – understanding that everyone is entitled to share their own thoughts and ideas, and being willing to listen.
  • Tolerance – embracing the idea that we are all different, with different backgrounds, cultures and beliefs.

Online Safety

If you see, hear or read something upsetting online (including scams and cyber bullying)

  • Save it! 

Save or screenshot the message.

  • Report it!

Through the provider: Facebook, WhatsApp etc.
To your internet/phone provider
To your tutor, for support
To the police, if serious enough
Forward texts to 7726
Forward scam emails to report@phishing.gov.uk 

  • Check it!

Check suspicious phone numbers through your search engine.

Help and advice:

Information from Wiltshire Police about online safety: Online safety | Wiltshire Police

Support for staying safe online for adults aged over 60 or aged 18+ with a registered disability: Stay Safe Online — Bobby Van 

Support to keep children and young people safe online: Accessing the internet, and online safety – Local Offer

Help and support

Phone numbers to keep:

999 Emergency number

101 Non emergency police number

111 Non emergency medical number

116 123 Samaritans – free phone number for mental health support

0300 456 0108 Child protection emergency number

0300 456 0100 Safeguarding emergency number

01225 770478 Family and Community Learning number (office hours only)

Helpful websites:

Welcome to Wiltshire Council – Wiltshire Council Information about all Wiltshire Council Services

Wiltshire Together – Wiltshire Together Local events, information and volunteering opportunities in Wiltshire.

Wiltshire Mind – here for you Local mental health charity

Wiltshire Mental Health Inclusion Service Rethink support in Wiltshire

NHS services – NHS Health services

Wiltshire SEND Support for 0 to 25 – Local Offer Local support in Wiltshire for families and young people aged 0-25 with SEND (special education needs and disabilities)

Home – Wiltshire Libraries Wiltshire library services

Careers advice – job profiles, information and resources | National Careers Service Careers advice and support

Continuing and Further Education:

Courses, qualifications and skills – Wiltshire Council

Colleges – Wiltshire Council

Courses for adults | WEA

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