Various projects to support children, SEND and young people using sport. Includes Get active into work, a 12-week programme for people aged 16 and over who are not in employment, training or education and HITZ which uses rugby to engage young people who are NEET to give them the skills and qualifications they need to get back on their feet.
Alternative learning Hub for students disengaged or not wanting traditional education routes:
Post-16 -full and half year (full time) Level 1 & 2 employability and personal development courses (inc. Maths and English options). The majority of our day is made up of enrichment sessions including PSHE, Emotional and social skills, sport, work visits and life skills. We focus on discovering who we want to be, acquiring the skills to be that person and creating a pathway to independence through further education or work. 96% of our students complete our courses with 90% starting work or further training by the following September. Contact:
Pre-16: Full time Level 1 personal development course (inc. Maths and English options). The majority of our day is made up of enrichment sessions including PSHE, Emotional and social skills, sport, work visits and life skills. We focus on discovering who we want to be, acquiring the skills to be that person and creating a pathway to independence through further education or work. Contact
Education programmes arranged with schools to support social, emotional & behaviour development:
Engage – High quality sessions for the whole class, focussing on people development. Bath Rugby Foundation to provide two coaches for 10 hours of facilitated learning opportunities tailored to schools’ focus from the following list: growth mindset, mental wellbeing, social and emotional regulation, sports leadership, inclusive sport for young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). To be delivered across the academic year (choice of which term). Contact: for more information on how we can best support your school
Tackle – High quality coaching within your school for 8-12 selected pupils at risk of exclusion, or in need of additional small group support. Bath Rugby Foundation to provide 31.5 hours (1.45 hour sessions) of facilitated learning opportunities tailored to schools’ focus from the following list: growth mindset, mental wellbeing, social and emotional regulation, sports leadership, inclusive sport for young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). To be delivered across the academic year within a choice of two terms. Monitoring and evaluation reporting provided on completion of programme and pupil support for sign posting for extracurricular / additional services. Our schools noted a 27% reduction in report behaviour incidence from students taking part in our people development programmes and during the 21/22 academic year, schools have noted a reduction in exclusion by a third. Contact: for more information on how we can best support your school.
Inclusive SEND support – Inclusive sports sessions for those who would ordinarily struggle to engage in activity. Includes Rugby, golf, dance and other great sports as well as social gatherings. Contact:
Contact details:
Tel: 01225 904116
Inclusion Manager, Caryl Thomas (
HITZ Officer Paul (
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