Amazing Apprenticeships May update is now available!
Which highlights apprenticeship within the creative industries. These apprenticeships cover; costume and performance, blacksmith to digital marketer. There is also a case study from hairdressers Toni and Guy, explaining the career development available to their apprentices.
Teacher Consultation events
Join our final teacher consultation event to give feedback on what the 2019/20 ASK programme and new KS3 offer should look like. Join us in Bristol on Thursday 20th June from 9:00 – 12:00 – book now!
Youth Voice Census Results 2019
Careers education and knowledge of apprenticeships is on the rise, but there is still much work to do to fix youth unemployment. The survey captured the experiences of more than 3,000 14-24-year olds, read the full report and findings here.
Tuesday 2 July – save the date!
Shell’s Make the Future Live Big Assembly brings learning to life for year 7-9 students via an interactive broadcast. Students will learn about the STEM careers that are changing our world, from the mouths of real-life STEM role models. Find out more here.