Our brand new service to help 16 & 17 year olds get back on track with future career options has now been launched.
Young Work Wiltshire works with 16 & 17 year olds who are not in any form of education, employment or training (NEET). The service offers ideas and provides support to access jobs and training which match their future goals.
Often young people who are not in any education, employment or training face multiple barriers to their participation and need a different type of support.
Young Work Wiltshire will look to address this with two key priorities:
- Signposting and advice for young people who are NEET to support them into jobs, further education, apprenticeships or other training
- Tracking young people from the age of 16 years up to September after their 18th birthday as part of the September Guarantee, when all young people should have a suitable offer of education or training after they complete their GCSE year.
The service provides one-to-one support for young people who need help to find the right opportunity for them. This can be face to face, by phone or online.
This support includes
- Engaging with a young person and helping them understand the provision available
- Help them to find and apply for a suitable education or training course
- Help them find and apply for an apprenticeship
- Job search and application help
- CV and interview skills
- Drop-ins and job clubs from our local towns
- Support in transitioning to the new opportunity.
The service is available to help young people from aged 16, after they leave school and up to September after their 18th birthday, who are not in any form of education or training and are unemployed. Schools, sixth forms and colleges offer information and guidance on young people’s options to ensure suitable progression is made after leaving school or finishing their studies. For some young people support is provided by other local authority teams, specifically the SEND service for young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and those working with the Youth Offending Team (YOT).
We have updated the Work Wiltshire Website with dedicated information for our NEET young people, workwiltshire.co.uk/young
Special features include:
- A vacancy service with fortnightly apprenticeships and job opportunities listings aimed at young people
- The option for young people to sign up for a monthly e-newsletter aimed at inspiring them around local opportunities, see first edition below
- The ability for employers or providers to post up their jobs/apprenticeships/programmes for us to share with the young people we support
- The ability for young people to update us on what they are doing to support our statutory responsibilities in knowing what every 16/17 year olds education and employment activity is
- The ability for young people to register for support directly
For more information and to register for the service please go directly to our Young Work Wiltshire pages by clicking here.