The theme for the National Apprenticeship Week 2021, which will take place between 8 and 14 February 2021, is “Build the Future” and aims to encourage everyone to consider how apprenticeships help individuals to build the skills and knowledge required for a rewarding career.
Employers are being asked to help the nation Build the Future by encouraging everyone to consider how apprenticeships can help build organisations for years to come; whilst showing the clear return on investment realised when apprentices are brought into the business.
As a result of the pandemic and many individuals relying on technology and virtual meetings more than ever, National Apprenticeship Week 2021 will be different, but just as exciting. NAW2021 will celebrate the motivating stories of how apprentices have helped business adapt and build during a difficult year.
To support National Apprenticeship Week 2021, individuals, employers, training providers and communities are being encouraged to get involved, to celebrate apprenticeships and how they:
TRAIN apprentices, and future proof their workforce and careers though apprenticeships;
RETAIN apprentices, gaining the skills and knowledge needed by the business, and seeing apprentices thrive, whilst having impact;
ACHIEVE a real return on investment from apprentices; realising the business benefits of apprenticeships, with apprentices progressing in their chosen careers.
A toolkit is available now to support the apprenticeship community with planning their activity for National Apprenticeship Week 2021. Download the toolkit from GOV.UK.
Keep up to date with National Apprenticeship Week 2021 updates by following @Apprenticeships on Twitter, and National Apprenticeship Service on LinkedIn and use the hashtags #NAW2021 #BuildTheFuture in social media activity.
To find out more about apprenticeships, visit: