Wiltshire Council is urging businesses and organisations in the county to submit plans for funding that will help Wiltshire communities to continue to thrive.
The Community Renewal Fund is worth a total of £220m across the UK, and aims to support people and communities that wish to bring forward new ideas to invest in skills, community and place, local business, and supporting people into employment.
Projects needs to align one or more of the fund’s four investment priorities:
- Investment in skills – such as work-based training, retraining and promoting digital skills.
- Investment for local business – for example supporting entrepreneurs, creating jobs, or decarbonisation measures.
- Investment in communities and place – such as studies for delivering local energy projects, culture-led regeneration, improving green spaces and preserving important local assets.
- Supporting people into employment – including addressing barriers to employment and developing basic skills.
Read the full press release Wiltshire organisations encouraged to submit plans for new Community Renewal Fund