Dear Employers
In this fast changing world, young people need an insight to the world of work to help prepare them for the future and raise their aspirations. In the current climate, it is not possible for them to go and visit work places and so at the Swindon and Wiltshire Careers Hub, we are working towards a solution – virtual work experience. In Swindon and Wiltshire, around 14,000 young people need a work experience placement every year. This is where you come in; the help and support of Swindon and Wiltshire’s businesses is key to making this work. The benefits of Zoom, Teams etc. is already well established and applying it to Careers support is a logical step. If anything, virtual platforms overcome some of the barriers to offering work experience, especially from an employer’s time and resource point of view: a virtual work experience opportunity is more manageable and has a greater geographic reach.
We have partnered with Speakers for Schools to ensure that all schools/colleges across the area have the chance to provide their students with a virtual work experience opportunity. As well as working with employers on a national level, through Speakers for Schools, we would like to invite you, as employers to step forward and offer them an insight to your business. We will be holding an Employer Virtual Work Experience Working Lunch on January 19th 2021, 12.30pm-1.30pm, where Speakers for Schools will provide an overview on how their platform works and how they can support you to develop a virtual work experience offer to share with our local schools/colleges.
We hope that you can join us for this first information session.
If you would like to receive a diary invite and ‘Teams’ Link, or require further information on this activity, please contact
Kind regards,
Shona Taylor
Careers Hub Lead (Swindon and Wiltshire).